E-Flight-Expo: Antares at the E-Flight-Expo Airshow in Friedrichshafen, Germany

As in other industries, electromobility is slowly but steadily gaining importance in aviation. “e” here stands for the keywords ecological, electrical, evolutionary in the sense of ecologically justifiable aviation based on progress. On the eve of AERO 2017, there was a mini-airshow of electrically powered aircraft, which received a lot of attention from the press. Of course, we were there as the manufacturers of the first electric aircraft to be built in series.

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Jochen with the Antares 23E after landing, © Frank Herzog

Our pilot Jochen Polsz demonstrated our Antares 23E and showed the outstanding flight performance in the fast alternation of electrically driven motor and high performance gliding. Over 100 journalists and many other guests were thrilled, not only by the performance, but also by the beautiful flight picture.

Cover photo: © Frank Herzog